September 21, 2009

Scott Storch's rise and fall from the top has been well documented. From being labeled the "hip-hop's Liberace" to losing his Miami mansion, the producer's fall from grace played out in the media. However, he's emerged from rehab and seems to be on the road to recovery.
In a recent piece with, Storch opened up about how he managed to amass a fortune of over $70 million to almost losing it all.
According to Storch, a party in Los Angeles in 2005 -- where he was first introduced to cocaine -- was the beginning of the end. He says a friend (who he didn't identify) pulled him into the bathroom, gave him a line, and from there, he was hooked.
That night turned into an eight-ball a day addiction, or more. In the process, he picked up an entourage of 10 to 12 people who became his new best friends, who he supported and hung around daily. His $10 million Miami mansion became a drug den, and when they got bored there, a private jet was on call and they'd take the party elsewhere.
"We'd be at a club and I'd decide to take everyone to Las Vegas," Storch recalls. "Do more coke, f*** a bunch of girls. Be up for two days and decide at 11 in the morning to go buy a Rolls-Royce. I probably bought 10 cars when I was high."
At one time, Storch commanded around $100,000 per beat, making him a very wealthy man. But, his party lifestyle got out of control, and he blew through almost all of his fortune like it was growing on trees.
"It was out of control," he told Style. "I was clubbing, drunk, and had more money than I knew what to do with ... I was burning through about $250,000 a month, mostly on partying," he added. "I was spending money I had no business spending."
It eventually got the best of him. The more he was high, the more his craft suffered. Even Storch admits, he couldn't create hits while high.
"Sure, it was fun. But the thing is, I didn't make one good bit of music when I was high on coke. Not one bit."
Later in the conversation, Storch talked about some of his conquests. One of the his biggest was ... Kim Kardashian, who he says "was amazing." She's denied the claims though.
Head over to to read the full article.

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